Defra Pesticide Testing, Data Analysis#

This is a program to collect and download the data published by the UK government as part of their pesticide monitoring program. The data is imported into Pandas Dataframes and can be analysed.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs conducts pesticide testing Data is released in Open Document Spreadsheet format and released on here.

The data set shows pesticide residues in different foods types, presented in 2 different table formats. The BNA format focusses on details of individual samples including brand name and origin and shows the pesticides detected if any. The SUM format focuses on the analysis and results across the set of samples, including detail of all the pesticides sought but not found.


  • Plots and display data

  • Combine in a streamlit app

  • Produce a downloader to download ods files and convert to a more useable df format

  • Do some machine learning on the data